Saturday, June 16, 2012


The spring travel season is over.  I now have a summer to get things done around the farm and write.  I am armpit deep in writing a novel about the Viet Nam War.  Hated the War.  This is going to be an ugly, dark novel that will never sell, but it is cathartic.  I have never written anything else on Viet Nam, but I need to get this one off my chest.  The tentative title is, No Name.  Probably only a quarter ofmy titles survive the rewrites.

While I am on writing, By Lantern Light is on Kindle.  Some Thoughts on Scouts and Spies continues to do reliably.  An article on the oxen, entitled “The Four Kings” will come out in the July/August issue of Muzzleloader.

The oxen have treated us wonderfully.  They certainly have been reliable.  They have worked eight times this spring.  We have a new milk goat, Daisy.  She is a Boer.  I know Boers are not known for being good milkers, but Daisy gives about a quart a day and it does not have that goat smell or taste.  We got lucky.  She is an absolute sweetheart and follows us around like a dog.

There is a pair of wild turkeys that have figured out that I have grain in buckets and wil not run from me any longer, instad they wait for me to give them a scoop.  Now they have influenced another Jake who is not running.

Jake Yoste is in the Army at Fort Sam Huston taking Medical Training.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


After a nice winter of hibernation (mostly writing, I have finished a book of short stories and another novel set in Colonial Virginia) it is time to come out of the cave.  Two litters of pigs in the same day.  The oxen are rusty even though they have done some logging and moved hay regularly.  I now have four weeks to prepare for Shiloh.  We will be part of the march from Corinth.  So, we train animals, condition them and hopefully in the process get me back in shape for a good long walk.